(My Creation)
(Best Applied to Baccarat Class of Games)
If you have played any of the baccarat class of games like dragon tiger, cricket war or football studio – you may find that it virtually is a 50% probability game on either side – not including the tie or suited tie that happens once in a while. Now, in this class of games the experienced gamer even by using the fibonacci technique, might still end up losing big. This is because of long streaks of a specific side winning again and again, combined with the dogged approach of the fibonacci player and the act of continuing beyond the safe limits without bet auto stoppers. Now, even with bet auto stoppers in place, you may not be able to win as much.
Hence, the optimistic+ algorithm. The naming of the algorithm is due to ‘the optimistic belief that a side that is winning will continue to win’. Now, rather than betting on a side that will eventually win, you continue betting on the side that is winning. For most baccarat style 2 card games, this approach will yield more to the player. But you still need to have the safe limits operation using the bet auto stoppers.
You can observe from the above that using fibonacci, the player started him game set every time at 100, and progressed via fibonacci series bets of 100, 200, 300 and so on… In the above game, the player had started continuously betting on Side 1, after analyzing the game dynamics, believing that we will get the greatest return on Side 1 using the ‘Never Lose’ strategy with ‘Bet Auto Stopper’. If you have understood this article well and have played the casino games for some time, you can easily see that he has total winnings of -100, that is an overall loss of 100. This is because he continued with an pessimistic approach that he will eventually win with his bets on Side 1.
Now, let us take a look at the optimistic+ strategy. In this case, the player starts simply betting on the side that had last won. In this case, he can either use the progressive style of betting or fibonacci to place the bets. So, you observe that he has a total winning amount of 700. Now, this technique allows you to win on a board that is continuously producing mini, medium or long sequences of the same winning side. But on a board, where the result is continuously alternating between side 1 and side 2, you might end up losing for some time, until the game again settles into sequences of one side. If there are really long sequences of alternating sides, you may choose to stop for some time, take a mini break and then come back to start off betting on the winning side.
always this strategy is going to yield. But you need to combine with either
fibonacci or progressive style along with the bet auto stoppers or quantum+
Ploppy 3:2 with 0 Technique
(Technique is Used for Roulette Class of Games)
This is a time-tested technique and the internet provides many articles and videos on how to apply and use this technique. Let me describe this technique once again over here, but very briefly.
The idea of ploppy 3:2 is to increase your chances/probability of winning in every spin at the table. You have to place 2 bets simultaneously, in the amount ratio of 3:2, with 3/5th amount being placed on an even money payout slot like [black] on a roulette table and 2/5th of the amount being placed on a 2 to 1 slot for the top row.
For example, if you choose to place the 3/5 bet amount on all [black numbers], you are covering 18/36 numbers and if you choose to place the 2/5 bet amount on the top row [3-36] numbers, you are covering 12/36 number. If we were to remove the common numbers, the probability increases to 26/36. But you have to note that we are ignoring the green [0] in this probability – which usually turns up sometimes as the winner and pays handsomely like 25x, 30x or 36x. Some of the roulette version have gold bars or multipliers placed and as per my observation, it lands on the green number [0] more often. Hence, the chance of that bonus amount via multiplier increases. Hence, my technique is an adaptation of the ploppy 3:2 with 0.
If you have understood the mathematical basis above, you will be able to apply it in variants, so as to bet on maximum numbers in one go. For example, you may place the 3/5 bet amount on all [red numbers], combined with 2/5 bet on the second row [2-35].
Winning Sequence on Table (Last Winning Number at the Start): 31, 28, 1,
30, 36, 24, 13, 10, 29, 0, 0,
7, 5, 22, 22, 18, 15, 34, 34, 35
LAST Reasoning, My Prediction is that Next Winning Number will be from Top Row
[3-36] as it occurred earliest in sequence.
Using FAST Reasoning, My Prediction is that Next Winning Number will be from Row #2 [2-25] as it recently occurred in sequence.
Please also take a look at the Table Statistics provided by Online
Casinos, to refine or optimize your bets using the above reasoning
You see that in the above self-explanatory game set, driven by variant of progressive bets and using LAST reasoning – The player has ended up with +0070 winnings. With few good decisions or using FAST reasoning, the outcomes could have been better. Fibonacci may also be used in combination with Ploppy 3:2 with 0. So, based on the current statistics of winning numbers you can make better decisions and apply the above technique to win at roulette class of games.
Remember, once you learn, understand and apply to win (or lose) using the above techniques – You will very easily be able to combine the techniques to achieve success at online casino games. Also, you may be able to improvise. These are only based on my experience, my own intellect and reasoning at playing these games for a very short time (less than a calendar month). But I would say all these techniques had helped me win to good extent, but I ended up losing due to reckless betting, lack of adherence to bet stoppers and most of all due to poor to disastrous emotional intelligence.
Please try to revise/define these terms or techniques by yourself: Bet Auto Stopper,
FAST, LAST, Game Set, Optimistic+, Quantum+, Fibonacci Betting, Progressive
Betting, Quantum Slice, Ploppy 3:2, Emotional Intelligence, Impulsive Gambing,
Compulsive Gambling, Probability, Odds, Ratio, 2 to 1, Even Payout, 2x,
Few Accessories and Trackers
you have got hold of some software application (or created one by yourself) or
are fine at using excel sheets (or just want to rely on your own memory) – You may
find the following very interesting additions while playing online games.
Remember, few may find it just a pain to maintain all these, You may just use
them as per your convenience.
Finger Counter: https://t.ly/mYD3U
above finger counters may be ideal if you want to keep a count of your sequence
number in the current game set. You might also use 2 or 3 finger counters at
the same time either on your fingers or placed suitably on a table near you –
where you count the sequence of each type or each number.
Playing Sheets https://t.ly/3_Vdz
sheets may let you keep count of your planned bet sequence in quantum+ or in a
simple game set. You may create variants of the playing sheet as provided in
the above link. I had used this playing sheet for quantum+ with progressive
betting style in a wheel of fortune class of game.
The above explanation is primarily based out of my experience playing on the online skilled gaming and casino site, Parimatch. Parimatch is a fair online betting site and even though it is ‘heavy to load on a pc’ even on a 300mbps internet connection – It has very many games and rooms to give you the flexibility to learn, experiment, play, win (and lose!). Also, the withdrawals are done quite fast. Also, deposit mechanism is very easy. But I cannot say the same about the ‘bonus’. It is best that you stay away from all types of ‘Parimatch Bonuses’. In any case, it is my experience, but you might have had a different experience. But my rating of Parimatch is almost 4 stars out of 5. It is best you have a 500mpbs to 1gbps internet connection to extract maximum out of this site.
Also, the above explanations might help you the most in these games in online casinos. But once you learn the strategy and concepts, you may apply it as per your need across games and across casinos.
Class of Games
Roulette, Gold Roulette, Galaxy Roulette
Class of Games
Tiger, Cricket War, Football Studio
of Fortune Class of Games
Spin-a-Win, Mega Wheel, Music Wheel
“I play to win and if it looks like I've lost, its only because it’s
not over yet.”
· “Gambling can be addictive. Please play
· “The odds of winning at gambling games are not in
your favour.”
· “Gambling involves risk. Please only gamble with
funds that you can comfortably afford to lose.”
· “Gambling is a form of entertainment. Set a budget,
stick to it.”
· “Bet with your head, not over it. Gamble responsibly.”
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