Monday, March 23, 2015

Testing JEE6 CDI outside of Container using Weld-SE

0. Add the dependencies in Maven Model

1. Develop the Class(es) which are annotated with CDI
 public class ContextsDependencyInjectionManager {  
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(
@Resource private ManagedThreadFactory managedThreadFactory;
@Inject @Persistent private EngagementManager persistentManger;
@Inject @Radia private
EngagementManager radiaManager;
@Inject @Accelerite private
EngagementManager acceleritManager;
@Inject @Services private
EngagementManager servicesManager; ... // add functionality, methods, other atrributes }

2. Write a Test Case to test the Class(es) using Weld-SE
 public class ContextsDependencyInjectionManagerTest { 
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ContextsDependencyInjectionManagerTest test = new ContextsDependencyInjectionManagerTest(); // cdi initialization outside of container Weld weld = new Weld(); WeldContainer weldContainer = weld.initialize(); ContextsDependencyInjectionManager cdiManager = weldContainer.instance() .select(ContextsDependencyInjectionManager .class).get(); ... // other tests, fire events, assert }

3.Using/Firing Events in Weld-SE - Test @Observes
If you have used the observer pattern or added listeners using @Observes, you may choose to test them out as follows.
                     .fire(new EngagementAttributeChangedEvent(  
                               "contact", "sumith_puri", "pl"));  

This is helpful for the initial developer testing and before a version is available to deploy in the container, to understand if all dependencies are getting injected and whether many of the CDI annotations are working as intended.

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